Meet Jonathan Holloway — 2016 Veteran

My name is Jonathan Holloway, I am a U.S. Army 11BP Veteran who lives in Round Rock, Texas.

I joined the Army in 2004 when I was 18. I was deployed to Iraq from 2005 to 2006, with 4th ID on a sniper team with a temp B4. In 2007 I went to selection where I was selected for Special Forces. From there, I went to airborne school and then on to the qualification course. I broke my ankle and have had four surgeries since December, 2007, and was not able to finish the Q-course. I was then sent to WTB (Warrior Transition Battalion). While in WTB I worked for SORB (Special Operations Recruiting Battalion) recruiting for all special operations. Later I was sent to the 2/508 PIR, 82nd. I deployed to Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010. In August of 2011 I ETSed into the civilian world.

I conducted about 400 missions while deployed to both countries. Memorial Day 2006 in Iraq has been one of the worst days of my life. My platoon was out on patrol when they were hit by an IED. That day we lost many of the people in our platoon and also had many wounded.

On December 20th, 2012, after I was out of the Army for just over a year, a fire completely burned our apartment after my family and I moved in just three days before.

I worked at Nestle Waters for two years before I was fired for threatening someone who was pointing a gun at me while I was on route. By this time my PTSD was getting worse as the days progressed. In December of 2014 my friend brought me to the VA for suicidal thoughts. Christmas night my anxiety, anger, and depression all hit me at once. I had the SWAT team called to my house and broke my hand that night. The following day I was watching a video about veterans and how their service dog helped them with their PTSD. From that point on I realized I felt the same way everyday as they did.

Photos of Jonathan Holloway (Click the image to begin a slide show)
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My wife Jennifer and my three kids have been a huge help to me with my PTSD. My family has been always been there for me even through the tough times I have been experiencing. I go to meetings at the VA to talk with other veterans with the same issues I have. I try as hard as I can to go out to places with a lot of people but my anxiety always gets the best of me.

I met Jeff Anderson at the VA in Austin, Texas by accident. I was walking by a veteran who just received a service dog from Rebuilding Warriors. I asked him where we got his dog and he led me straight to Jeff. After talking to him for about ten minutes I knew he was serious in desire to help me.

Jeff, and the rest of Rebuilding Warriors, thank you for all you have done for me and other veterans across the country. Also, thank you in advance for the veterans you will help in the future.

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Jeff Anderson
CEO/Founder, Rebuilding Warriors